I'm working on a SFML / C++ project and I've some troubles with the boost graph library, in particular with the astar_search. I generated a Voronoi Diagram for a random map and a graph to use the astar method of the Boost Graph Library with the middle of each centers of the polygons
Establishment of the edges :
for (Polygon *u : this->_map->_polygons)
if (u->getPolygonType() == u->GROUND)
WayPointID wpID = boost::add_vertex(graphe);
graphe[wpID].pos = u->getCenter();
for (std::deque<Edge_ *>::iterator it = u->getEdges().begin() ; it != u->getEdges().end() ; ++it)
std::pair<Polygon *, Polygon *> t = (*it)->_polygonsOwn;
WayPointID wpID2 = boost::add_vertex(graphe);
graphe[wpID2].pos = t.second->getCenter();
if (t.first->getPolygonType() == t.first->GROUND)
float dx = abs(graphe[wpID].pos.first - graphe[wpID2].pos.first);
float dy = abs(graphe[wpID].pos.second - graphe[wpID2].pos.second);
boost::add_edge(wpID, wpID2, WayPointConnection(sqrt(dx * dx + dy * dy)), graphe);
The edges are correctly established, when I want to draw them :
So I need to use the astar search with these edges but my code don't work :(
struct found_goal {};
class astar_goal_visitor : public boost::default_astar_visitor{
typedef boost::adjacency_list<
> WayPointGraph;
typedef WayPointGraph::vertex_descriptor WayPointID;
typedef WayPointGraph::edge_descriptor WayPointConnectionID;
WayPointGraph graphe;
WayPointID m_goal;
astar_goal_visitor(WayPointID goal) : m_goal(goal) {}
void examine_vertex(WayPointID u, const WayPointGraph &){
if(u == m_goal)
throw found_goal();
And the implementation :
boost::mt19937 gen(time(0));
std::vector<WayPointID> p(boost::num_vertices(graphe));
std::vector<float> d(boost::num_vertices(graphe));
WayPointID start = boost::random_vertex(graphe, gen);
WayPointID goal = boost::random_vertex(graphe, gen);
try {
boost::astar_heuristic<WayPointGraph, float>(),
boost::predecessor_map(&p[0]).distance_map(&d[0]).visitor(astar_goal_visitor(goal)).weight_map(boost::get(&WayPointConnection::dist, graphe))
} catch(found_goal fg) {
std::cout << "is ok" << std::endl;
The path is never found ... If you can help me about the astar implementation I'd appreciate it :)/ I'm sorry for the length of this post :(, the boost astar needs a lot of code implementation.
Thank you in advance
You insert too many vertices. You should keep, say, an unordred_map<Polygon*,vertex_descriptor>
. Before calling add_vertex for a given polygon P you should first check whether P is already in the map. If yes, use the vertex_descriptor corresponding to P, do not call add_vertex. Otherwise, call v= add_vertex and add the pair (P,v) to the map.
Good luck!