.split(//expression that split msg into two msg M1,M2)
.process(// here processing)
behaves like a java method i.e the thread that calls it will continue to split
So what will happen in above case ?
Ley say Thread t1
calls from("direct:A")
It enters into .split()
here the msg is divided into two new messages M1
and M2
Now from here on-wards will t1
call process()
for M1
and M2
synchronously ?
will be called for M1
and M2
in two new thread asynchronously ?
By default the process()
method is called sequentially. But you can activate parallel processing by adding an option.
From the Camel doc:
parallelProcessing (default false): If enabled then processing the sub-messages occurs concurrently. Note the caller thread will still wait until all sub-messages has been fully processed, before it continues.
NB: If you are interested in splitter's performance, you can look for the streaming option.