Hi I am new to knockoutjs and started learning from the Tutorial in their site.
Observable arrays are supposed to update all the bindings in a page. I am practicing in JsFiddle and my bindings are not being updated dynamically.
What am I doing wrong?
I am expecting that if we type in the textboxes it should update the table!
JS Code:
var viewmodel = {
posts: ko.observableArray(data)
The problem is that calling posts: ko.observableArray(data)
will make only data observable, and not its elements. To make an entire object tree observable, you can use the mapping plugin, like in this updated fiddle: http://jsfiddle.net/gyW2k/7/
The only change to the code is:
var viewmodel = {
posts: ko.mapping.fromJS(data)
ko mapping docs: http://knockoutjs.com/documentation/plugins-mapping.html