I have an Erlang application based on Cowboy and I would like to test it.
Previously I used wooga's library etest_http for this kind of tasks, but I would like to start using common tests since I noticed that this is the way used in cowboy. I have tried to setup a very basic test but I am not able to run it properly.
Can anybody provide me a sample for testing the basic example echo_get and tell me what is the correct way to run the test from the console using the Makefile contained in the example?
The example make used only for build echo_get app. So to test echo_get app you can add test suite and call make && rebar -v 1 skip_deps=true ct
(rebar should be in PATH) from shell.
Also you need etest and etest_http in your Erlang PATH or add it with rebar.config in your application. You can use httpc or curl with os:cmd/1 instead ehttp_test :)
test/my_test_SUITE.erl (full example)
% etest macros
-include_lib ("etest/include/etest.hrl").
% etest_http macros
-include_lib ("etest_http/include/etest_http.hrl").
suite() ->
init_per_suite(Config) ->
%% start your app or release here
%% for example start echo_get release
os:cmd("./_rel/bin/echo_get_example start"),
end_per_suite(_Config) ->
%% stop your app or release here
%% for example stop echo_get release
os:cmd("./_rel/bin/echo_get_example stop")
init_per_testcase(_TestCase, Config) ->
end_per_testcase(_TestCase, _Config) ->
all() ->
my_test_case(_Config) ->
Response = ?perform_get("http://localhost:8080/?echo=saymyname"),
?assert_status(200, Response),
?assert_body("saymyname", Response).