Using the following model as an example.
public class FooModel
public FooModel()
Bars= new List<BarModel>();
public IList<BarModel> Bars{ get; set; }
public class BarModel
public int Id { get; set; }
I need to extrapolate the List<BarModel>
from a fooModel
object, and build up a Dictionary<string, object>
from each BarModel in the list.
Let's say I create the following object.
var fooModel = new FooModel();
var bar1 = new BarModel {Id = 1};
var bar2 = new BarModel {Id = 2};
fooModel.Bars = new List<BarModel>{bar1,bar2};
And now I want to get all properties within Foo that have the [ManyToMany]
// First I call the method and pass in the model
// Next I extract some values (used elsewhere)
public DoSomething<TModel>(IModel model){
var dbProvider = ...;
var mapper = new AutoMapper<TModel>();
var tableName = GetTableName( typeof( TModel ) );
UpdateJoins( dbProvider, fooModel, tableName, mapper );
// Finally I begin dealing with the collection.
private static void UpdateJoins<TModel> ( IDbProvider dbProvider, TModel model, string tableName, IAutoMapper<TModel> mapper ) where TModel : class, new()
foreach (
var collection in
.Where( property => property.GetCustomAttributes( typeof( ManyToManyAttribute ), true ).Any() ) )
if ( !IsGenericList( collection.PropertyType ) )
throw new Exception( "The property must be a List" );
// Stuck Here - pseudo code
foreach (loop the collection)
var collectionName = ...; // Bar
var nestedPropertyName = ...; // Id
var rightKey = collectionName + nestedPropertyName; // BarId
var nestedPropertyValue = ...; // 1
In the example above, the OUTER foreach
is only going to run ONCE because there is only one Property within FooModel
that is decorated with the [ManyToMany]
Therefore PropertyInfo property
is a List<BarModel>
How do I do the above INNER foreach
and extract the required data?
This may get you on the right track. The idea is if you encounter a [ManyToMany] / generic list you reflect it using recursive call to the same method and then flatten the returned values to form a unique key. You probably will need to tweak it to suit your problem. The below code returns a dictionary with formatted key strings built from collection names, indexes and property names. E.G:
Bars[0].Id = 1
Bars[1].Id = 2
//This is just a generic wrapper for the other Reflect method
private static Dictionary<string, string> Reflect<TModel>(TModel Model)
return Reflect(Model.GetType(), Model);
private static Dictionary<string, string> Reflect(Type Type, object Object)
var result = new Dictionary<string, string>();
var properties = Type.GetProperties();
foreach (var property in properties)
if (
property.GetCustomAttributes(typeof(ManyToManyAttribute), true).Any() &&
property.PropertyType.GetGenericTypeDefinition() == typeof(IList<>))
var genericType = property.PropertyType.GetGenericArguments().FirstOrDefault();
var listValue = (IEnumerable)property.GetValue(Object, null);
int i = 0;
foreach (var value in listValue)
var childResult = Reflect(genericType, value);
foreach (var kvp in childResult)
var collectionName = property.Name;
var index = i;
var childPropertyName = kvp.Key;
var childPropertyValue = kvp.Value;
var flattened = string.Format("{0}[{1}].{2}", collectionName, i, childPropertyName);
result.Add(flattened, childPropertyValue);
result.Add(property.Name, property.GetValue(Object, null).ToString());
return result;