I have pretty much the same problem as discussed in this question:
CURAND Library - Compiling Error - Undefined reference to functions
Namely, after having included cuda.h, curand.h and curand_kernel libraries, using
curandGenerator_t gen;
curandCreateGenerator(&gen, CURAND_RNG_PSEUDO_DEFAULT);
gives me the following error:
undefined reference to `curandCreateGenerator'
I am aware that this is a duplicate, but I really don't understand what should I do.
I'm using Nsight Eclipse on Ubuntu and I tried adding "-lcurand " to
Project Properties -> Build -> Settings -> Tool Settings -> NVCC Compiler -> Command
and I tried changing it to "nvcc -o RNG7 RNG7.cu -lcurand -Xlinker=-rpath,/usr/local/cuda/lib" as suggested, but nothing seems to work.
I'm a real newbie here, so a little detailed help would be appreciated, along with some reasons behind it, I prefer understanding things to quick fixes!
I got it, it was a very easy fix!
You need to go to:
Project Properties -> Build -> Settings -> Tool Settings -> NVCC Linker -> Libraries
and simply add a new library called "curand".