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Why is relx not generating a release?

My relx configuration


My .app file


After compiling the application using rebar I run relx from my terminal and the following is the output that I get

===> Starting relx build process ...

===> Resolving OTP Applications from directories:




===> Missing beam file hipe <<"/usr/lib/erlang/lib/hipe-3.10.2/ebin/hipe.beam">>

===> Resolving available OTP Releases from directories:




No releases have been specified in the system!

I don't understand this message from relx. Does it not create the release for me?

How do I install hipe?


After doing a fresh install of erlang I no longer get hipe error message. But rebar still says no releases have been specified by the system.


  • Got this working. Re-installing erlang got rid of the first problem i.e the hipe error message. What relx meant by

    No releases have been specified by the system

    is that I had not specified an application to assemble for release. My understanding was that since I had only one application I would not need to specify it explicitly. So my relx.config file now looks like


    This works and I now have a release in my _rel folder.