I am having trouble understanding how the JUNG graph handles edgeweights. I am using PageRankWithPriors and when I use the constructor without edge weights I get OK results, but when I construct the PageRankWithPriors with edgeweights I get no results. PageRankWithPriors .getVertexScore() returns "NaN"
here is the constructor:
PageRankWithPriors<customVertex, customEdge> ranker = new PageRankWithPriors<customVertex, customEdge>(graph.getGraph(),
new Transformer<customEdge, Double>() {
public Double transform(customEdge edge) {
return edge.getnormalizedWeight();
new Transformer<customVertex, Double>() {
public Double transform(customVertex vertex) {
//return getSourceNodes().contains(vertex) ? 1.0 : 0;
if (priorityVertexList !=null){
if (priorityVertexList.contains(vertex)) return new Double((0.85/priorityVertexList.size())).doubleValue();
else return new Double((0.15/(graph.getGraph().getVertexCount()-priorityVertexList.size()))).doubleValue();
return new Double((0.15/(graph.getGraph().getVertexCount()))).doubleValue();
}, alpha);
so my question is how the edgeweights are interpreted... can I give an edge weight of 5 or does it have to be between 0 and 1? (propability)
The edge weights represent transition probabilities, so the sum of the weights on the outgoing edges of a given vertex must be 1.