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Can't able to figure out how to ensure last pattern

I'm not able to figure out how to ensure only content1 match and not content2.

var re  =  "//(\d{1,2})/";

var content1 = "/digital-cameras/point-shoot/10";
var content2 = "/digital-cameras/10-point-shoot";

How to check on end of line?


  • If you want one or two digits at the end, put $ at the end of the regular expression. Also, in JavaScript, regular expression literals are written with /.../, not "...":

    var re  =  /(\d{1,2})$/;
    // $ here -----------^

    There, the / at either end is not part of the expression, it marks the start and end of the expression (like " and ' do for strings).

    $ is called an "anchor" and it means "the end of the input." (There's another one, ^, which means "the beginning of the input.")