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Ensure script remains installed after updates

I have some script I want to add to my wordpress page (which contains Latex math, for which I use MathJax), so what I used to do is edit header.php in my themes, which is OK, except that every time I do an update, I have to edit that again and again... which is annoying and some times I forget to do that.

Is there anyway I could set that script permanently even after an update?


  • The solution is to create your own plug-in, which turns our to be much simpler than anyone thinks.

    1- Pick a name for your plugin, I'll call it MyPlugin

    2- Open a folder in your /wp-content/plugins/MyPlugin

    3- Open a file inside the latter folder and call it MyPlugin.php

    4- Input the following in that file:

    Plugin Name: MyPlugin
    function add_my_header() {
        echo '<script type="text/x-mathjax-config">';
        echo 'MathJax.Hub.Config({';
        echo 'tex2jax: {inlineMath: [[\'$\',\'$\']]}';
        echo '});';
        echo '</script>';
        echo '<script type="text/javascript"';
        echo '  src="">';
        echo '</script>';
    add_action( 'get_header', 'add_my_header' );

    You may change the script as you want.

    5- Enable the plugin.

    6- You're done! Give me a thumbs-up, and have fun :)