I am trying a create a .dat file that is split into 5 columns each with the heading, "timestamp", "deviceId", "testId", "Availability" and "Latency". This file is going to be pointed to a database where there are tests being ran at the moment.
The idea is that the data from these tests will be collected and stored into this file that I have just created.
I have been told to use and work with RandomAccessFile.
Only problem is I have no idea how to write a file through Java. I have made somewhat of an attempt but it is by no means much at all;
public long timestamp;
public int deviceId;
public int testId;
public byte availability;
public int latency;
public static void main (String [] args) throws FileNotFoundException
String fileName = "hopeToJaysusThisWorks.dat";
RandomAccessFile file = new RandomAccessFile(fileName, "rw");
As you can see, its not much at all!
I was told not to worry about getting into the technical side of things yet i.e the collection of data. At the moment all I need is the layout of each column and its 5 headings.
Can anyone help me or give me some advice on where to go from here, it would be much appreciated.
Well the next step for you, would be to make sure the file you just tried to open for reading/writing (that's what the "rw" option means, if you give it just a r or just a w, it's for only reading, or only writing, respectively), is actually open/available. You can do this by simply running a check to see if your 'file' variable is null. Ok great! now you need to actually start writing some information into the file. This can take MANY forms, I recommend checking out the RandomaccessFile api to see exactly what methods are available, and what form you data has to be in to write it.
It'll look something like:
if (file != null){
now, you may have your data structured however, but that's the general gist of it.
Good luck!