I have JPanel inside vertical JSplitPane. JPanel contains jlabels and jtextfields. When I shrink height of JPanel by moving JSplitPane's divider All components in jpanel are resized themselves. How to tell them not to resize when height of parent jpanel shrinks. I cannot size minSize for JPanel because it makes impossible for JSplitPane to move divider.
JSplitPane splitPane = new JSplitPane(JSplitPane.VERTICAL_SPLIT);
JPanel searchPanel = createSearchPanel();
splitPane.setDividerLocation(searchPanel.getPreferredSize().height + 5);
As you see there is searchPanel
. Let's see it:
JPanel searchPanel = new JPanel(new GridBagLayout()) {
Dimension minSize = new Dimension(200, 0);
public Dimension getMinimumSize() {
return minSize;
searchPanel.setBorder(BorderFactory.createTitledBorder("Search query"));
GridBagConstraints gbc = new GridBagConstraints(0, 0, 1, 1, 0, 0,
GridBagConstraints.LINE_START, GridBagConstraints.HORIZONTAL,
new Insets(5, 2, 5, 3), 0, 0);
searchPanel.add(eventLabel, gbc);
gbc.gridx = 1;
gbc.gridwidth = 3;
searchPanel.add(eventLabelField, gbc);
gbc.gridx = 0;
gbc.gridy = 1;
gbc.gridwidth = 1;
searchPanel.add(timestampLabel, gbc);
gbc.gridx = 1;
searchPanel.add(timestampStartField, gbc);
gbc.gridx = 2;
searchPanel.add(timestammpToLabel, gbc);
gbc.gridx = 3;
searchPanel.add(timestampEndField, gbc);
gbc.gridx = 0;
gbc.gridy = 2;
searchPanel.add(locationLabel, gbc);
gbc.gridx = 1;
gbc.gridy = 2;
gbc.gridwidth = 3;
searchPanel.add(locationField, gbc);
gbc.gridx = 0;
gbc.gridy = 3;
gbc.gridwidth = 1;
searchPanel.add(durationMagnitudeLabel, gbc);
gbc.gridx = 1;
gbc.gridy = 3;
searchPanel.add(durationMagnitudeMinField, gbc);
gbc.gridx = 2;
searchPanel.add(durationToLabel, gbc);
gbc.gridx = 3;
searchPanel.add(durationMagnitudeMaxField, gbc);
gbc.gridx = 1;
gbc.gridy = 4;
gbc.gridwidth = 2;
gbc.anchor = GridBagConstraints.PAGE_END;
gbc.weighty = 1.0;
gbc.ipadx = 2;
gbc.ipady = 2;
gbc.insets = new Insets(15, 0, 0, 0);
searchPanel.add(searchButton, gbc);
When I move up vertical divider the height of searchPanel shrinks and components look like:
You see that jtextFields got much smaller than they were after I moved divider up
Please, help me here.
I have changed your code. Use weightx property of GridBagConstraint with GridBagConstraints.HORIZONTAL fill, it helps components to fill their cell properly. Example code:
JPanel searchPanel = new JPanel(new GridBagLayout()) {
Dimension minSize = new Dimension(200, 0);
public Dimension getMinimumSize() {
return minSize;
searchPanel.setBorder(BorderFactory.createTitledBorder("Search query"));
GridBagConstraints gbc = new GridBagConstraints(0, 0, 1, 1, 0, 0,
GridBagConstraints.LINE_START, GridBagConstraints.HORIZONTAL,
new Insets(5, 2, 5, 3), 0, 0);
searchPanel.add(new JLabel("1"), gbc);
gbc.gridx = 1;
gbc.gridwidth = 3;
gbc.weightx = 1;
searchPanel.add(new JTextField(), gbc);
gbc.gridx = 0;
gbc.gridy = 1;
gbc.gridwidth = 1;
gbc.weightx = 0;
searchPanel.add(new JLabel("1"), gbc);
gbc.gridx = 1;
gbc.weightx = 1;
searchPanel.add(new JTextField(), gbc);
gbc.gridx = 2;
gbc.weightx = 0;
searchPanel.add(new JLabel("1"), gbc);
gbc.gridx = 3;
gbc.weightx = 1;
searchPanel.add(new JTextField(), gbc);
gbc.gridx = 0;
gbc.gridy = 2;
gbc.weightx = 0;
searchPanel.add(new JLabel("1"), gbc);
gbc.gridx = 1;
gbc.gridy = 2;
gbc.gridwidth = 3;
gbc.weightx = 1;
searchPanel.add(new JTextField(), gbc);
gbc.gridx = 0;
gbc.gridy = 3;
gbc.gridwidth = 1;
gbc.weightx = 0;
searchPanel.add(new JLabel("1"), gbc);
gbc.gridx = 1;
gbc.gridy = 3;
gbc.weightx = 1;
searchPanel.add(new JTextField(), gbc);
gbc.gridx = 2;
gbc.weightx = 0;
searchPanel.add(new JLabel("1"), gbc);
gbc.gridx = 3;
gbc.weightx = 1;
searchPanel.add(new JTextField(), gbc);
gbc.gridx = 1;
gbc.gridy = 4;
gbc.gridwidth = 2;
gbc.anchor = GridBagConstraints.PAGE_END;
gbc.weighty = 1.0;
gbc.ipadx = 2;
gbc.ipady = 2;
gbc.insets = new Insets(15, 0, 0, 0);
gbc.weightx = 0;
searchPanel.add(new JButton("b"), gbc);
return searchPanel;
Watch docs How to use GridBagLayout
Edit: Sorry, I'm using awful names for labels)