I'm working on a project in Java that requires me to convert an infix expression to a postfix expression. I am currently able to convert infix expressions to postfix with this method as long as they don't contain parenthesis, but I can't figure out how to handle parenthesis.
Basically, I have two stacks that hold objects that are called 'Token'. A Token is a wrapper class that holds a string that is either a number, variable (which gets evaluated as a number, pending on user input), operator (the operator has a priority level associated with it so that my method can determine how to handle order of operations between '+', '-', '*' and '/'), or a parenthesis (the parenthesis has a way to determine if it is a open parenthesis or a closed parenthesis).
How should I handle parenthesis? What about multiple layers of parenthesis?
public String toPostFix() {
StringBuilder postfixstr = new StringBuilder();
Stack<Token> in_fix = new Stack<>();
Stack<Token> post_fix = new Stack<>();
for (int i = tokens.length - 1; i >= 0; i--) {
t = new Token(tokens[i]);
//there are still tokens to process
while (!in_fix.empty()) {
//is a number
if (in_fix.peek().type == 1) {
//is an operator and the stack is empty
else if (in_fix.peek().type == 3 && post_fix.empty()) {
// is an operator that has higher priority than the operator on the stack
else if (in_fix.peek().type == 3 && in_fix.peek().isOperator() > post_fix.peek().isOperator()) {
// is an operator that has lower priority than the operator on the stack
else if (in_fix.peek().type == 3 && in_fix.peek().isOperator() <= post_fix.peek().isOperator()) {
//puts the rest of the stack onto the output string
if (in_fix.empty()) {
while (!post_fix.empty()) {
return postfixstr.toString();
You need to push the left parenthesis onto the stack, and process the stack like so when you encounter a right parenthesis:
// opening (
if (in_fix.peek().type == 4) {
//closing )
if(in_fix.peek().type == 5){
while(!(post_fix.isEmpty() || post_fix.peek().type == 4)){
if (post_fix.isEmpty())
; // ERROR - unmatched )
post_fix.pop(); // pop the (
in_fix.pop(); // pop the )