I would like to start an in-memory UnboundID server using an SSL listener. So far I am only able to create a non-SSL one, as could be seen in many examples. Unfortunately, I can't seem to be able to find an example which illustrates how to add an SSL listener. All the SSL examples seem to be showing how to instantiate a connection and use SSL/TLS.
Could somebody please show how this should be done?
Thanks in advance!
Here's one of the configurations I use from the LDAP SDK unit tests:
final InMemoryDirectoryServerConfig cfg =
new InMemoryDirectoryServerConfig("dc=example,dc=com",
cfg.addAdditionalBindCredentials("cn=Directory Manager", "password");
cfg.addAdditionalBindCredentials("cn=Manager", "password");
new StandardErrorListenerExceptionHandler());
final SSLUtil serverSSLUtil = new SSLUtil(
new KeyStoreKeyManager(keyStorePath, "password".toCharArray(),
"JKS", "server-cert"),
new TrustStoreTrustManager(trustStorePath));
final SSLUtil clientSSLUtil = new SSLUtil(new TrustAllTrustManager());
null, 0, serverSSLUtil.createSSLServerSocketFactory(),
final InMemoryDirectoryServer testDSWithSSL =
new InMemoryDirectoryServer(cfg);
Also, if you want to add support for StartTLS, you would add another listener config that looks like:
InMemoryListenerConfig.createLDAPConfig("LDAP with StartTLS", null, 0,