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Using Git Add with files that maybe don't exist

On Windows, I'm trying to create an alias for Git Add to automatically select only C# related files.

My current alias is:

acs = add *.cs *.csproj *.sln

I keep getting this error: fatal: pathspec '*.sln' did not match any files, which is expected, since the specific folder I am in contains only the project and not the solution. (i.e. *.cs and *.csproj both exist)

I want to create an alias that would work for all C# folders.

Say I have 2 folders.

Folder1 contains:


Folder2 contains:


In Git Add, is it possible to create a line that would work for both folders, regardless of the presence of the files mentionned in the wildcards ?

I would have expected (hoped for) something like:

git add *.foo|*.bar

Is there any OR wildcard ?


  • I don't see any way to make git add's convenience globbing ignore a pattern that doesn't match anything, but there are much more powerful ways to build command lines.

    First, a handy alias:

    git config --global alias.files 'ls-files -oc --exclude-standard'


    git config alias.acs '!git files -z *.cs *.csproj *.sln | xargs --null git add --'

    gets you what you want.