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Apache POI xlsx read, cell with # value - error unexpected cell type(5)

Could you hepl me with such issue.

I need to read each cell as String value. In this case I am using appache poi lib. and such method for normilizing each cell:

String getNormilizedCell(Cell cell){
return new DataFormatter().formatCellValue(cell);}

But when In .xlsx file I faced with such value:


I am getting error [Unexpected Cell type (5)] and I don't know how to handle this. In google I can't find necessary information.


  • The DataFormatter class only handles CELL_TYPE_FORMULA, CELL_TYPE_NUMERIC, CELL_TYPE_STRING, CELL_TYPE_BOOLEAN, and CELL_TYPE_BLANK. It doesn't handle CELL_TYPE_ERROR, which is 5.

    You'll have to work around this by first detecting the error cell type and then handling it specially, referring to the error cell value codes:

    if (cell.getCellType() == Cell.CELL_TYPE_ERROR) {
        byte errorValue = cell.getErrorCellValue();
        switch(errorValue) {
        case ERROR_DIV_0:
            return "#DIV/0!";
        case ERROR_NA:
            return "#N/A";
        case ERROR_NAME:
            return "#NAME?";
        case ERROR_NULL:
            return "#NULL!";
        case ERROR_NUM:
            return "#NUM!";
        case ERROR_REF:
            return "#REF!";
        case ERROR_VALUE:
            return "#VALUE!";
            return "Unknown error value: " + errorValue + "!";
    } else {
        return new DataFormatter().formatCellValue(cell);