Having problem to write on windows event log with c#.
public static void writeToEventLog(string msgGrid, string msgIntern, EventLogEntryType entryType)
string grp = "Application"; // Fixed because cant create new but happy if bellow works.
if (!EventLog.SourceExists(msgGrid)) { EventLog.CreateEventSource(msgGrid, grp); }
EventLog.WriteEntry(msgGrid, msgIntern, entryType);
// The folowing code dont put entry on event log:
string msgGrid = "pdtidtijejrnexhr";
string msgIntern = "*-* [Dt:2013-10-31 11:41:10.00][digkufdufe:{[<2013-10-31 11:41:09> {jpdriskrt01} jpdriskrt01[]> [pdtidhry jrnecidr]]} : {}] >>#[eydshr:(rhrdhruiweirts.hrt.krt.krtjelr.jt.jpdrtjelkrhtw.<dnjr>b__1)]>>#[jpdrtjelkrhtw]\\[pdtidtijejrnexhr]\r\n";
writeToEventLog(msgGrid, msgIntern, EventLogEntryType.FailureAudit);
// The folowing code works OK:
writeToEventLog("t1", "t2", EventLogEntryType.FailureAudit);
There is some constraint about log content or size ?
It looks like your source ("pdtidtijejrnexhr") doesn't exist yet, but "t1" does, so that's why the other snippet of code is working. Also, you may have to double-up your braces ({
and }
), but I'm not positive on that one. ({{
and }}
, respectively).
I don't think "t1" comes with Windows by default.. I suspect that your code successfully created it at one point (maybe in combination with when you weren't using braces in a log message?)