Here is index.html
$(document).on('pagebeforeshow','id="container"', function(){
$.mobile.activePage.find('id="content-container"').load("content.html", function(){
The content.html page has to retrieve data from server when it was loaded.
Which event is fired in content.html page when the above code executes?
I already tried the following events but none of them are working
None of them will trigger because they are not linked to load function. You should use jQuery Mobile version of that function called: loadPage. It is a wrapper function for function load.
This is the official link:
In this case page event order would look like this:
To correctly detect pageload and pagebefpreload events use them like this:
$(document).on('pagebeforeload', function(){
console && console.log("pagebeforeload!!");
$(document).on('pageload', function(){
console && console.log("pageload!!");
Read more about it here, you will also find a working example.