I have to use the eZURLAliasFilterAppendNodeID class, which modify the url_alias of all the nodes from the given classes and append their node_id at the end.
The matter is that I need to append the date of the node's creation too and it seems that neither eZURLAliasFilterAppendNodeID and ezURLAlias do the job.
Does someone see a way to do that, please ? I haven't found any class which could, but I don't really want to add some code in my system classes... :-S
Thank's !
-- John
If you have a look at the default site.ini file :
# List of active filters, each entry must contain the name of the class
# which implements the filtering.
# DEPRECATED, use FilterClasses instead
# List of classes you want to call as an eZURLALiasFilter
This basically means that you can develop your own filter since eZ Publish lets you tell him what PHP classes are called when generating an URL :
class eZURLAliasFilterAppendDate extends eZURLAliasFilter
public function __construct() {}
public function process( $text, &$languageObject, &$caller )
if( !$caller instanceof eZContentObjectTreeNode )
eZDebug::writeError( 'The caller variable was not an eZContentObjectTreeNode', __METHOD__ );
return $text;
$separator = eZCharTransform::wordSeparator();
$publishedTimestamp = $caller->attribute( 'object' )->attribute( 'published' )
$formattedDate = ....
$text .= $separator . $formattedDate;
return $text;
Note : you might have to implement the same test on the class_identifier that is done in eZURLAliasFilterAppendNodeID
if you don't want to choose which content classes will be concerned
probably in settings/siteaccess/yourfrontendsite/site.ini.append.php
php bin/php/ezpgenerateautoloads.php -e