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Magento allow to create 2 account from an email?

I got an issue like this. At first, I create a member account by admin with an email. Then, I used that email to sign up another account and I got these result:

entity_id | username  | email            | website      | store_id
287       | tester123 | [email protected] | Main Website | 1
286       | tester123 | [email protected] | Admin        | 0

When I login in the Index page, I must login by the account entity_id 287, I could not login with the account 286. I want to know the reason why Magento allow to create 2 different accounts with only an email. And I want to find out the code which valid this situation. Thanks a lot.


  • Magento allow/support multiple site/multiple store and having index of combination of email+website_id. So it treat that same mail id for different site. if you will create new website with same name 'Admin' and it's store_id as 0 than you will be able to login on that site/store with entity_id 286.

    Currently your site/store is main website/1 so you get logged in though entity_id 287