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how do i get this object to setText in GUI

So, I've been making this BankPanel class to go with two other classes my teacher gave us for my Java course. I'm supposed to create a bank account object, and i need to get the variable values from the object to accountNameTF, accountnumberTf, and accountBalanceTF. Please help??

import java.awt.*;
import java.awt.event.*;

import javax.swing.*;

public class BankPanel extends JPanel
    private int amount;
    private JLabel accountName;
    private JLabel accountNumber;
    private JLabel accountBalance;
    private JLabel accountStatus;
    private JLabel depwitAmount;
    private JTextField accountNameTF;
    private JTextField accountNumberTF;
    private JTextField accountBalanceTF;
    private JTextField accountStatusTF;
    private JTextField depwitAmountTF;
    private JButton depositButton;
    private JButton withdrawButton;
    private int acctNumber;
    private double balance;
    private String name;

    Object myAcct()  // Create bank Account object   
        acctNumber = 128895;
        balance = 0.00;
        name = "Bart Simpson";


    public BankPanel()
      amount = 0;

        accountName = new JLabel ("Account name: ");
        accountNumber = new JLabel ("Account number: ");
        accountBalance = new JLabel ("Account balance: ");
        accountStatus = new JLabel ("Account status: ");
        depwitAmount = new JLabel ("Deposit/Withdraw amount: ");
        accountNameTF = new JTextField (15);
        accountNumberTF = new JTextField (10);
        accountBalanceTF = new JTextField (10);
        accountStatusTF = new JTextField (10);
        depwitAmountTF = new JTextField (10);
        depositButton = new JButton ("Deposit");
        withdrawButton = new JButton ("Withdraw");

        depositButton.addActionListener (new ButtonListener());
        withdrawButton.addActionListener (new ButtonListener());
        BankPanel obj = new BankPanel(); 

        add (accountName);
        add (accountNameTF);
        add (accountNumber);
        add (accountNumberTF);
        add (accountBalance);
        add (accountBalanceTF);
        add (accountStatus);
        add (accountStatusTF);
        add (depositButton);
        add (withdrawButton);
        add (depwitAmount);
        add (depwitAmountTF);

      setPreferredSize(new Dimension(300, 200));
      accountNumberTF.setText(Integer.toString ( myAcct.getAcctNumber() ) );
      accountBalanceTF.setText(Double.toString( myAcct.getAcctNumber() ) );


This is the BankAccount class:

class BankAccount 

 private int acctNumber;
 private double balance;
 private String name;

 private static int acctCount= 0;  //not an instance variable, but a class variable (static)

/** constructs a bank account with zero balance, zero account number
 and name set to Unknown


public BankAccount() {
     acctNumber = 0;
     balance = 0.0;
     name = "Unknown";


  constructs a bank account with an account number, an  initial balance, and
  an owner!

public BankAccount(int acctNo, double initBalance, String owner) {
    acctNumber = acctNo;
    balance = initBalance;
    name = owner;


 //all of the mutator methods - set

 public void setAcctNumber(int acct)
        acctNumber = acct;

public void setBalance(double amount)
    balance = amount;

 public void setName(String someName)
    name = someName;

//all of the accessor methods - get

public int getAcctNumber()
    return acctNumber;

public double getBalance()
 return balance;

public String getName()
    return name;

public void deposit(double amount)
 balance = balance + amount;

public void withdraw(double amount) {
 balance = balance - amount;

 //overloaded method.  charges a fee!
 public void withdraw(double amount, double fee)
        balance = balance - amount - fee;

public String toString()
        return ("BankAccount : acctNumber "  + acctNumber +  " balance : "     + balance 
           + " name : " + name  );

//Class method to display our private static variable
public static int getAcctCount()
    return ( acctCount );

}// end of class definition


  • I'm supposed to create a bank account object means to create an object of bankaccount class like

    BankAccount b=new BankAccount();

    i need to get the variable values from the object to accountNameTF, accountnumberTf, and accountBalanceTF.


    note i assume that name is a variable in BankAccount class Suppose if you have getter and setter in bankaccount class then you use this way
