I attempted to upload the following JSON to the server:
"sign": "cancer",
"date": 30,
"month": 10,
"year": 2013,
"reading": "vQdKU0SufpGmvkkyfvkdUr&yg/ rodatmifvkyfav ay:avjzpfrnf/ olwpfyg; rodapvkdaom udpörsm;udk rvkyfavaumif;avjzpfrnf/ vltrsm; olwpfyg;\ pdwf0ifpm;p&m jzpfaewufonf/ aiGaMu;udpö owdxm;NyD; udkifwG,fyg/ vuf0,faiGaysufaomaMumifh Mum;pdkufavsmf&udef; MuHKrnf/"
And the server returns HTTP 400.
Is there any modification I need to make to the JSON to make it acceptable to the server?
This is the code that performs the upload:
HttpURLConnection conn = (HttpURLConnection) url.openConnection();
conn.setRequestProperty("Content-Type", "application/json");
conn.setRequestProperty("Accept", "application/json");
String input = "{\"sign\": \"" + reading.getSign() + "\"" + ", \"date\": "
+ reading.getDate() + ", \"month\": " + reading.getMonth()
+ ", \"year\": " + reading.getYear()
+ ", \"reading\": \"" + reading.getReading() + "\"}";
OutputStream os = conn.getOutputStream();
if (conn.getResponseCode() != HttpURLConnection.HTTP_OK) {
throw new RuntimeException("Failed : HTTP error code : "
+ conn.getResponseCode());
I solved the problem by encoding the string as a JSON string. One easy way to do that would be to use JSONObject from the json-simple API.
JSONObject inputJson = new JSONObject();
inputJson.put("sign", reading.getSign());
inputJson.put("date", reading.getDate());
inputJson.put("month", reading.getMonth());
inputJson.put("year", reading.getYear());
inputJson.put("reading", reading.getReading());