I have the following code:
int x;
int * xPtr = &x;
int * Get_xPtr(void);
void someFunction(int * y);
int * Get_xPtr(void)
return xPtr;
void someFunction(int * y)
void main(void)
This code is compiling fine without the increment on the return value (address) of function Get_xPtr(), but with the increment I get the error:
"error: lvalue required as increment operand"
I guess this is not allowed syntax, but why? Is there any other way to do this or do I need to:
int * tempPtr = GetxPtr();
requires lvalue to store return value.
simple example will make some clarification
int i=0;
++i; ==>i=i+1; //result stored in i.
variable i can change
++5; //where is lvalue ?
You can use