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ReSharper, Stylecop and sorting mix-cased usings alpabetically

I use ReSharper to format code and StyleCop for code analyses, and I use rule SA1210:UsingDirectivesMustBeOrderedAlphabeticallyByNames.

Everything was fine until StructureMap and log4net met in the same file: ReSharper sorts them case-sensitively:

using StructureMap;

using log4net;

But StyleCop checks them case-insensitively:

error : SA1210: Using directives must be sorted alphabetically by the namespaces.

I don't want to turn off rule. I wouldn't use StyleCop plugin for ReSharper as it proved to be unstable in my environment and slows machine a lot.

How can I make them work together?


  • You could alias the log4net using statement:

    using Log4Net = log4net;
    namespace ClassLibrary1
        public class Class1
            private Log4Net.ILog log;
            public Class1()
                log = Log4Net.LogManager.GetLogger(typeof (Class1));