In my Spring MVC application, I have 2 pages.
I have an object with 10 variables in it.
In the first page, I am setting 9 variables of the above object(first page has 9 fields).
I set this object in session as well as model attribute in the controller.
I also need to pass this same object to the next page.
In the second page, I need to set the 10th variable in the same object(second page has only one field 10th field).
(why I need a second page for setting the 10th variable is - In the second page, I populate a dropdown based on the entries in the first page)
When I submit the form in the second page - I need to submit the same object with 10 variables. (I couldn't paste the code because of my company policy) Can anyone please help me in fixing this?
Note that both methods are in the same controller. You need to do something like this:
public class SessionAttributesController {
// Save session attribute in model.
@RequestMapping(value = "/page1.html", method = RequestMethod.GET)
public String page1( @ModelAttribute MyClass myObject, ModelMap model ) {
model.addtAttribute("myObject", myObject);
return "page1.html";
// Now you model is having myObject, so it has to be used in jsp. You can add ModelMap parameter to this method and check what contains model in debug mode.
@RequestMapping(value = "/page2.html", method = RequestMethod.GET)
public String page(ModelMap model) {
return "page2.html";