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How do Erlang type specs get preprocessed

I am trying to extend the Erlang Mixer Library ( to pass the "-spec()." lines for the functions that it is adding to a module. However I am unclear on how erlc places specs into the core erlang code.

I started with a really simple (test) module:

-spec(square(number()) -> number()).
square(X) -> X * X.

And compiled it with "erlc +debug_info -S mix1.erl" and got this (module_info functions removed):

{module, mix1}.  %% version = 0

{exports, [{module_info,0},{module_info,1},{square,1}]}.

{attributes, []}.
{labels, 7}.
{function, square, 1, 2}.

I am trying to figure out how the "-spec()" are translated and I don't see them there, any ideas? What am I missing. The eventual goal here is to use this for a parse transform.


  • I believe your output is not exactly AST, but some normalized form of AST.

    {ok, Forms} = epp:parse_file("mix1.erl",[],[]).