I'm trying to use 'uglifyjs' in order to minify all of my javascript files into one '.js' file in order to get the karma ng-scenario e2e testing to function properly. However when I input this
type My.js MyLogon.js MyMenu.js Common\directives\BaseDirectives.js Common\factories\BaseFactories.js Module\AccountConfirmationModule.js Module\AccountModule.js Module\ApplicationModule.js Module\ApplicationRoleModule.js Module\HeaderModule.js Module\Index.js Module\LogOnModule.js Module\PasswordModule.js Module\QAModule.js Module\UsernameModule.js > files.min.js | uglifyjs -o files.min.js
I get the following error
Get-Content : A positional parameter cannot be found that accepts argument 'MyLogon.js'. At line:1 char:5
What am I doing wrong?
The type
command in Cmd shell supports typing multiple files at the same time. File names are just space separated. In Powershell, type
is an alias for Get-Content
. It supports multiple source files, but doesn't use space separation. An array is needed, as specified by the -Path
parameter that supports a String array:
man type
Get-Content [-Path] <string[]> [-Credential <PSCredential>] ...
Try passing the cmdlet an array of file names. Like so,
type @("My.js", "MyLogon.js", "MyMenu.js") | uglifyjs -o files.min.js