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How to configure java to accept a self-signed applet without showing the confirm message

We have a web application that uses an applet to read data from a scale connected to the serial port. This applet reads the weights and when it get three equal weights calls a javascript function to set the value in a field.

Because the applet needs to have permissions to access the serial port we did:

  1. self-signed the applet with a certificate that we have created
  2. Add AccessController.doPrivileged to the method that is called from javascript
  3. we complete the with:

    Manifest-Version: 1.0

    Ant-Version: Apache Ant 1.9.1

    Implementation-Title: Impresion de Etiquetas


    Bundle-Date: 2013-10-29 11:21:00 GMT-03:00


    Class-Path: lib/plugin.jar

    Bundle-Name: Impresion de Etiquetas

    Created-By: 1.7.0_25-b17 (Oracle Corporation)

But when open the site in firefox keeps asking if we trust the applet.

Is there any way or settings to prevent firefox showing this query every time we open the application?

This application works lika a desktop application and have access to the customers pc, so there is no problem to do some configuration on the pcs.


  • i manage to skip that message by adding the .pem in the java panel and adding the atribute Permissions to the of the applet