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Segment Fault and Shared Library usage - Vega 7000 POS

I am a newbie on Castles Technologies and Vega products and I am using it for the very first time. I have to modify an existing Vega7000 Application. It uses shared library so that the application is splitted into two MCI files (one for program and another for share lib).

When I try and create an helloWorld application it works properly and I can display it on the device but when I try and launch this application (which is a formed by 2 applications, VegaApplication + SharedVegaApplication) I get this error "Segment Fault ADDR 0X000383A4".

These are the used technologies: NetBeans, Windows XP, Cygwin, gcc-mipsel, C language, Vega 7000

My questions are:

  1. how to properly use a Shared Application on such environment
  2. What can be the reason of this "Segment Fault" error

I cannot get any log from this device so I cannot get any more information


  • It might help someone else to know that I solved the Segment Fault Error by increasing the size of the CAP files when performing the CAP Generation. I increased these values:

    1. AP Flash Size

    2. Flash FAT Size

    3. SRAM FAT Size

      They has to be set according to your specific application and device that you use and the best value changes accordingly.