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How to call a method of a GWT ClientBundle interface using a string?

I have a String property that relates to calling a particular method.

I have this DTO, with an icon property

public class MyDto
    String icon; // "first", "second", "third" etc

    public String getIcon()
         return icon;

In my interface I have these methods: (GWT ClientBundle)

public interface MyClientBundle extends ClientBundle
    ImageResource icon_first();

    ImageResource icon_second();

    ImageResource icon_third();

I'm currently using an inefficient lookup with selection statements, but want to select the right method by building a string instead:

public ImageResource getValue(MyDto object)
    return getIconFromCode(object.getIcon());

private ImageResource getIconFromCode(String code)
        return resources.icon_first();
    else if(code.equalsIgnoreCase("second"))
        return resources.icon_second();
    else if(code.equalsIgnoreCase("third"))
        return resources.icon_third();
        return resources.icon_default();

I want to build a string to select the right method instead, something like "icon_" + object.getIcon()+ "()"

Having done some research I understand I need to use reflection? How would this be accomplished?


  • The interface MyClientBundle should extends ClientBundleWithLookup instead of ClientBundle.

    The ClientBundleWithLookup has a getResource(String name) method that lets you retrieve the resource from the resource name (method name).