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Adding Control to Gridview Cell

I want to add a button on GridView cell on certain condition. I did the following in RowDatabound event

if( i==0)
   Button btn= new Button();
   btn.Text = "view more";        

When this executes, the text in the cell which is bound is lost and only the button appears. I need to have the button along with the cell text present already.

Can anyone please help me doing this?


  • It's a workaround, check if it helps you:

    You can convert your existing BoundColumn to Linkbuton if it is feasible with your requirement.

    if( i==0)
        LinkButton lnkbtn = new LinkButton();
        lnkbtn.Text = e.Row.Cells[7].Text;
       // Create a command button and link it to your id    
       // lnkbtn.CommandArgument = e.Row.Cells[0].Text; --Your Id 
       // lnkbtn.CommandName = "NumClick";
       // btn.Text = "view more";        