I might just be being a bit dim here, or it might be my relative weakness with javascript, but I'm kinda stuck.
I have a justgage dial, showing number of people checked in an office, out of a total number.
I have a setInterval call just after the gauge is initiallised. But I want to update BOTH the number present, AND the total number, because both might potentially change. I can get the numbers via an ajax call to my own api - but because the ajax call is asynchronous, if I use
setInterval (g.refresh(myfunc()), 1000)
how do I get multiple returns out of myfunc.
Alternatively, if I do
setInterval( myfunc(g), 1000)
function myfunc(g){
var foo=g;
// no g here
I have no reference to g on successful ajax call. (Though it is visible at var foo=g)
How do I get around this (multiple returns, or visible object)
Maybe there is a better solution but try to create the foo var as global and then you can use this in all the places you want.