One user of the app I currently work got the following response in his browser:
The website encountered an error while retrieving It may be down for maintenance or configured incorrectly.
is a JSF page that works without problems most of the time.
Why did TomEE show this page? I have set a special error page in web.xml
, so this shouldn't have been shown. Application stage is Production as well.
For all other errors, /errors/general.xhtml
is rendered as a response, but not in the case I mentioned. I don't have enough information to reproduce the error, but I'm surprised by the result.
Any ideas for fixing/preventing this?
I am using Apache TomEE 1.6.0-2013.09.20 dev + MyFaces that comes with it (2.1.12).
I'm not sure, but because this error happened just once, and because DigitalOcean was doing maintenance in their datacenter in that day, I assume it was not something related to my application nor to Tomee, but just because of the VPS provider, DigitalOcean in this case.