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How do I print a Dictionary collection in C#?

I'm attempting to print out an array/collection here. I have a class file with the following code to print out the text:

//Display All
    public void Display()
        Console.WriteLine(ID + "\t" + Product + "\t" + Category + "\t" + Price + "\t" + Stock + "\t" + InBasket);

Then, in main I attempt to actually print it out onto screen using this:

foreach (KeyValuePair<int, Farm_Shop> temp in products)
            //display each product to console by using Display method in Farm Shop class

However I get the following error:

does not contain a definition for 'Display' and no extension method 'Display'
accepting a first argument of type 
could be found (are you missing a using directive or an assembly reference?)

Here is the actual content I want to print out:

products = new Dictionary<int, Farm_Shop>
            { 1, new Farm_Shop(1, "Apple", "Fruit\t", 0.49, 40, 'n') },
            { 2, new Farm_Shop(2, "Orange", "Fruit\t", 0.59, 35, 'n') }

From my understanding, this isn't working as I am only sending an array/collection to be printed, and not the int which is meant to come before it, if you know what I mean.

Can someone tell me how I would go about getting it to print correctly.

Much appreciated. Thanks.


  • Display() is a method on Farm_Shop. You can't call it directly on an object of type KeyValuePair<int, Farm_Shop>. You should do this to access the Farm_Shop instance in your key/value pair:

    foreach (KeyValuePair<int, Farm_Shop> temp in products)
            //display each product to console by using Display method in Farm Shop class

    Or loop through the Values property, since the key doesn't add much for you (since it came from a property on Farm_Shop:

    foreach (Farm_Shop temp in products.Values)
            //display each product to console by using Display method in Farm Shop class