I am in a situation, when I have to implement downloading of large files(up to 4GB) from a Web server: Apache 2.4.4 via HTTP protocol. I have tried several approaches, but the best solution looks to be the usage of X-SendFile module.
As I offer progress bar for file uploads, I would need to have the same feature for file downloads. So here are my questions:
Is there better file download option in general, that would allow me to monitor file download progress? It can be a client (JavaScript) or server solution(PHP). Is there any particular web server that allows this?
Currently I use:
Many times thanks.
2 ideas (not verified):
Instead of placing regular links to files (that you want to download) on your page place links like .../dowanload.php which may look sth like this:
// download.php file
session_start(); // if needed
$filename = $_GET['filename']);
header( 'Content-type: text/plain' ); // use any MIME you want here
header( 'Content-Disposition: attachment; filename="' . htmlspecialchars($filename) . '"' );
header( 'Pragma: no-cache' );
// of course add some error handling
$filename = 'c:/php/php.ini';
$handle = fopen($filename, 'rb');
// do not use file_get_contents as you've said files are up to 4GB - so read in chunks
while($chunk = fread($handle, 1000)) // chunk size may depend on your filesize
echo $chunk;
// write progress info to the DB, or session variable in order to update progress bar
This way you may keep eye on your download process. In the meantime you may write progress info to the DB/session var and update progress bar reading status from DB/session var using AJAX of course polling a script that reads progress info.
That is very simplified but I think it might work as you want.
Apache 2.4 has Lua language built in:
I bet you can try to write LUA Apache handler that will monitor your download - send progress to the DB and update progress bar using PHP/AJAX taking progress info from the DB.
Similarly - there are modules for perl and even python (but not for win)