I am working on an enum which contains commands for dealing with pop3 therefore I would like to store the procedure which will be performed at each command in the enum. This is what i builded:
Now my Eclipse codecompletion is not working when I try to edit one of the
public void doWork(Socket clientSocket, DataOutputStream outToServer, BufferedReader inFromServer, EmailAccount emailAccount) {
// TODO Auto-generated method stub
Methods. I already enabled all proposaltypes in preferences -> Java -> Editor -> COntent Assist -> Advanced
Do you have any suggestions?
public enum CodecompletionTest {
CONST1("FOO", new Event() {
public void doWork(int foo, String bar) {
// no codecompletion in here
private CodecompletionTest(String fo, Event bar) {
// do smth with fo and bar
private interface Event {
* Verarbeitung spezifisch ausführen
public abstract void doWork(int foo, String bar);
this has already been marked as a bug in bugzilla: https://bugs.eclipse.org/bugs/show_bug.cgi?id=395604