I'm making a level editor for my java game using Java swing.
One of the features is that there is a a togglable button to turn the game on and off to test the level out. The game runs inside a jpanel, then you click the button again to untoggle it, and it turns the game off.
I only want the user to be able to change stuff or push buttons in the swing application when the game is NOT running, when it is running I set the focus to the game component. The only button in the swing application that they should be able push is the toggle button to turn the game back off.
The problem is, I can't think of a good way to do this. Using a recursive function I could easily loop through and find all components and do setEnabled(false), but when the game is turned back off it has no way to know what the previous enabled state was (along other issues, like other components responding to setEnabled being called on other components)
What I think I really need is just some kind of way to just outright "kill" user input into the swing application when the game is running.. But preferablly with a way to click the toggle button again to return the application's state, and the game which is running inside a Jpanel needs to be able to have focus...
Is there any way to do this sort of thing at all without massive amounts of "organizational" code to manage the components in the swing application?
Another option is to use a GlassPane
and "grey out" an area of components. You would also have to capture and ignore clicks in the pane for the area you don't want a users clicking.
See more with an example in the Java Tutorial here: http://docs.oracle.com/javase/tutorial/uiswing/components/rootpane.html
This write up could also be helpful: https://weblogs.java.net/blog/alexfromsun/archive/2006/09/a_wellbehaved_g.html