I have two related questions:
the bitwise operator >>> means that we are shifting the binary number by those many places while filling 0 in the Most Significant Bit. But, then why does the following operation yields the same number: 5>>>32 yields 5 and -5>>>32 yields -5. Because if the above description is correct then both these operations would have yielded 0 as the final result.
In continuation to above, As per Effective Java book, we should use (int) (f ^ (f >>> 32)) (in case the field is long) while calculating the hash code (if the field is long). Why do we do that and what's the explanation
Answer to your first question is here why is 1>>32 == 1?
The second question answer, in short, is that in such way the whole long value is used(not a part of it) and note that it is probably the fastest way to do this.