I am trying to play my stage when I hover over a <button class="play">
. I have not created this button in Adobe Edge Animate.
This is what my code looks like:
Symbol.bindElementAction(compId, symbolName, ".play", "mouseenter", function(sym, e) {
This doesn't work at all, but if I replace ".play"
with something like "document"
or "div"
it works fine (not "button"
though for some reason).
I've also tried "$(.play)"
and "$('.play')"
with no success.
How can I target a class to bind an action to?
Many thanks!
Found the answer elsewhere.
You can access the symbol by doing:
var myComp = AdobeEdge.getComposition("compositionname");
var mySymbol = myComp.getSymbol("symbolname");
// var myStage = myComp.getStage(); if all you want is the stage
Then you can do things like:
$(".play").mouseenter(function(e) {