I am using packery and it seems good - what I am really trying to do is have a transition on load.
When I add (append) items using the in built functionality it has a nice transition but I am trying to get that on the first lot of tiles on load without having to add these items.
this is the code I run
function runPackery() {
$container = $('#main').packery({
itemSelector: '.module',
columnWidth: 320,
//disable resize
isResizeBound: false,
var pckry = $container.data('packery');
var gutter = pckry.options.gutter || 0;
var columnWidth = pckry.options.columnWidth + gutter;
function onResize() {
var outsideSize = getSize( $container.parent()[0] ).innerWidth;
var cols = Math.floor( outsideSize / ( columnWidth ) );
// set container width to columns
$container.width( cols * columnWidth - gutter )
// manually trigger layout
// debounce resize event
var resizeTimeout;
$( window ).on( 'resize', function() {
if ( resizeTimeout ) {
clearTimeout( resizeTimeout );
resizeTimeout = setTimeout( onResize, 100 );
// initial trigger
And that code is run on the document ready with jQuery.
I do not see any options within the documentation to enable this - i thought it would be an option
can anyone help?
best way is to init packery and then just add the first items afterwards - works well