I am unable to understand . Why my functions are executed thrice after addition in the firefox extension using "page-mod" .
This is my code : [main.js]
var pageModOptions = {
include: ["http://xyz.com/*"],
attachTo: ["top", "frame", "existing"],
contentScriptWhen: "end",
onAttach: function(worker){
worker.port.on("Done", function(elementContent) {
console.log("emitted by tarun :" + elementContent);
worker.port.emit("start", htmlfilePath);
pageModOptions.contentScriptFile = [data.url("js/main.js"),data.url("js/jquery-1.8.2.min.js"),data.url("js/hello.js")];
//pageModOptions.contentScriptFile = data.url("js/jquery-1.8.2.min.js");
pageModOptions.contentStyleFile = data.url("js/main.css");
pageModOptions.contentScriptOptions = csOptions;
and in the contentscript [hello.js]
function test(){
window.alert('testing phase 1');
So this alert is called thrice . How to stop this behaviour .
Your content script will run exactly once for each HTML document loaded from http://xyz.com/
- a separate instance of your content script will be injected into each of them. So seeing three alerts when this code runs can mean the following things:
loaded there includes two frames which are also loaded from http://xyz.com/
.Most likely, if you change window.alert('testing phase 1')
into window.alert(location.href)
your confusion will be cleared up.