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IndexedDB Reference Error: db is not defined

I'm trying to create an application for Firefox OS which basically needs to store some data using IndexedDB.

The store() function is called when the user clicks on a submit button which results in the creation of the name and description variables an user submitted form.

However, I keep getting a Reference Error saying my db object is not defined. Any ideas why this is happening?

Here's my current code:-

function store () {
    // create the transaction with 1st parameter is the list of stores and the second specifies
    // a flag for the readwrite option
    var transaction = db.transaction([ 'Apps' ], 'readwrite');

    //Create the Object to be saved i.e. our App details
    var value = {}; = name;
    value.desc = description;

    // add the details to the store
    var store = transaction.objectStore('Apps');
    var request = store.add(value);
    request.onsuccess = function (e) {
        alert("Your App data has been saved");
    request.onerror = function (e) {
        alert("Error in saving the App data. Reason : " + e.value);

// variable which will hold the database connection
var db;

    if (window.indexedDB) {
        console.log("IndexedDB is supported");
    else {
        alert("Indexed DB is not supported!");

    // open the database
    // 1st parameter : Database name. We are using the name 'Appsdb'
    // 2nd parameter is the version of the database.
    var request ='Appsdb', 1);

    request.onsuccess = function (e) {
        // has the connection to the database
        db =;

        console.log("DB Opened!");

    request.onerror = function (e) {

    // this will fire when the version of the database changes
    // We can only create Object stores in a versionchange transaction.
    request.onupgradeneeded = function (e) {
        // holds the connection to database
        db =;

        if (db.objectStoreNames.contains("Apps")) {

        // create a store named 'Apps'
        // 1st parameter is the store name
        // 2nd parameter is the key field that we can specify here. Here we have opted for autoIncrement but it could be your
        // own provided value also.
        var objectStore = db.createObjectStore('Apps', { keyPath: 'id', autoIncrement: true });

        console.log("Object Store has been created");



  • The problem is with the scope of the db variable. Currently you have the following line var db; declared inside of the $(document).ready function. Move its declaration to a more global scope i.e. outside of this function and the variable will be visible in the store() function too.

    Hope this helps.