i have a python chatserver that uses twisted and autobahn websockets for connection.
factory = MessageServerFactory("ws://localhost:9000", debug=debug, debugCodePaths=debug)
factory.protocol = MessageServerProtocol
this is the server
import logging
from autobahn.websocket import WebSocketServerFactory, WebSocketServerProtocol
from DatabaseConnector import DbConnector
from LoginManager import LoginManager
from MessageTypes import MessageParser
class MessageServerProtocol(WebSocketServerProtocol):
def onOpen(self):
def onMessage(self, msg, binary):
if not binary:
self.factory.processMessage(self, msg)
def connectionLost(self, reason):
WebSocketServerProtocol.connectionLost(self, reason)
class MessageServerFactory(WebSocketServerFactory):
def __init__(self, url, debug=False, debugCodePaths=False):
WebSocketServerFactory.__init__(self, url, debug=debug, debugCodePaths=debugCodePaths)
self.clients = {}
self.connector = DbConnector()
self.messages = MessageParser()
self.manager = LoginManager()
def register(self, client):
print "%s connected" % client.peerstr
def unregister(self, client):
if self.clients.has_key(client):
print "%s disconnected" % client.peerstr
def processMessage(self, client, msg):
msg = self.messages.parseMessage(msg)
action = msg['Type']
except ValueError, e:
logging.warning("[Parse]:%s", e.message)
client.sendMessage(self.messages.createErrorMessage("could not parse your message"))
if action == "ChatMessage":
self.processChatMessage(client, msg)
# elif action == "Login":
# self.processLogin(client, msg)
# elif action == "Logout":
# self.processLogout(client)
elif action == "OpenId":
def processChatMessage(self, client, msg):
if not self.clients.has_key(client):
client.sendMessage(self.messages.createErrorMessage('Not authorized'))
if not msg['Message']:
client.sendMessage(self.messages.createErrorMessage('Invalid Message'))
if not msg['Recipient']:
client.sendMessage(self.messages.createErrorMessage('Invalid Recipient'))
if msg['Recipient'] in self.clients.values():
for c in self.clients:
if self.clients[msg['Recipient']]:
c.sendMessage(self.messages.chatMessage(msg['Sender'], msg['Message']))
print "sent message from %s to %s: '%s' .." % (msg['Sender'], msg['Recipient'], msg['Message'])
client.sendMessage(self.messages.createErrorMessage('User not registered'))
def checkSender(self, user, client):
if user in self.clients.values() and self.clients[client] == user:
self.clients[client] = user
an independent html/js client can connect and send chat messages. but i want to implement an open id authentication (performed by the server), before opening the websocket.
this is the onload function:
var wsuri = "ws://";
if ("WebSocket" in window) {
sock = new WebSocket(wsuri);
} else if ("MozWebSocket" in window) {
sock = new MozWebSocket(wsuri);
} else {
log("Browser does not support WebSocket!");
window.location = "http://autobahn.ws/unsupportedbrowser";
if (sock) {
sock.onopen = function () {
log("Connected to " + wsuri);
sock.onclose = function (e) {
log("Connection closed (wasClean = " + e.wasClean + ", code = " + e.code + ", reason = '" + e.reason + "')");
sock = null;
sock.onmessage = function (e) {
as i'm new to python/twisted i don't know how to do this and examples mostly show only websocket chatroom without authentification.
how can i implement openid properly? as it also requires redirection, which would break the ws connection.
You cannot open the ws
before the redirection. Open it after and then your code should work.
Good luck.
By The Way, google does this on it's homepage.