I am having old test automation framework developed using Selenium 1.0 and now wants to migrate my code to WebDriver.
Is there any easiest method to do this migration?
I have overridden most of the methods such as type, click, getText, getSelectedLabel, assert etc etc. I see the only method is to re-write all methods again from scratch, I have already started this process but If I continue with the same method It will take many days for me.
Please suggest if anyone has any better approach.
Thanks in advance.
They are completely different technologies. There is no way to migrate them over to selenium 2 per se.
Luckily, the recent Selenium releases have implemented what's called "WebDriver Backed Selenium" so technically if you are using those tests, it's implicitly running them "as" WebDriver tests.
Other than that, no, there is no easy way.
I had the same issue - we are migrating our entire regression suite over to S2 now :)