I've tried to add the following events:
All of them leads to the same event that should fire a MessagBox (just for debug) but nothing happens. I guess I don't have the right event... but which one is it if I want to catch the event when the user is clicking on a point in a LineSeries in my chart?
<oxy:Plot Grid.Column="0" Name="Plot" Title="Errors" MouseDown="Plot_MouseDown">
<oxy:LinearAxis Position="Left"
MinorGridlineStyle="Dash" />
<oxy:DateTimeAxis Position="Bottom"
MinorGridlineStyle="Dash" />
<oxy:LineSeries ItemsSource="{Binding ErrorsByMinute}" DataFieldX="DateTime"
DataFieldY="Value" MarkerType="Circle" MarkerFill="#336699"
MarkerSize="4" Color="#336699" MouseDoubleClick="Plot_MouseDown"
TouchEnter="LineSeries_TouchDown" MouseDown="Plot_MouseDown" />
You're having them in the wrong place ... they should be on the Plot, not the LineSeries.
Try this:
<oxy:Plot Grid.Column="0" Name="Plot" Title="Errors" MouseDown="Plot_MouseDown"
<oxy:LinearAxis Position="Left" MajorGridlineStyle="Solid" MinorGridlineStyle="Dash" />
<oxy:DateTimeAxis Position="Bottom" MajorGridlineStyle="Solid" MinorGridlineStyle="Dash" />
<oxy:LineSeries ItemsSource="{Binding ErrorsByMinute}" DataFieldX="DateTime" DataFieldY="Value" MarkerType="Circle" MarkerFill="#336699" MarkerSize="4" Color="#336699" />