I'm using ASTERISK to bridge sip calls inside my company.
Only authenticated/authorized users are allowed to make calls.
We already have a service that handles authentication, so is there any way to integrate the authentication from asterisk (sip.conf) to our service ?
So, instead of typing all users and passwords in sip.conf asterisk could simply call some API that communicates with our authentication service.
Basically I need a way to get the username/password from the SIP device and authenticate. Since each user has a different password it would become impractical to type it all inside sip.conf when we already have all the users/passwords in our database.
There are plenty ways to do auth in asterisk
Since all that is quite common things for asterisk, probably you need an asterisk expert to validate/security audit/performance audit for your system or you need someone from your staff to read some books like O'Reilly's Asterisk The Future Of Telephony just to understand some possible issues.