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Adding a new field to an existing content-type in Drupal 7

I'm new to Drupal and I'm looking for a way to add a new field to an already installed content-type in Drupal 7. Please note that some content is already present in the database. Also, I need to do this programmatically and not via a GUI.

Googling, I have already found the following documents, which seem to be related:!field!field.module/group/field/7!system!system.api.php/function/hook_update_N/7

Still, my ideas are a bit confused and a basic example would clarify things.


  • This snippet should get you started. It was found on the Drupal Stackexchange. I suggest you check there first in the future.

    $myField_name = "my_new_field_name";
    if(!field_info_field($myField_name)) // check if the field already exists.
        $field = array(
            'field_name'    => $myField_name,
            'type'          => 'image',
        $field_instance = array(
            'field_name'    => $myField_name,
            'entity_type'   => 'node',
            'bundle'        => 'CONTENT_TYPE_NAME',
            'label'         => t('Select an image'),
            'description'   => t(''),
            'widget'        => array(
                'type'      => 'image_image',
                'weight'    => 10,
            'formatter'     => array(
                'label'     => t('label'),
                'format'    => 'image'
            'settings'      => array(
                'file_directory'        => 'photos', // save inside "public://photos"
                'max_filesize'          => '4M',
                'preview_image_style'   => 'thumbnail',
                'title_field'           => TRUE,
                'alt_field'             => FALSE,
        drupal_set_message("Field created successfully!");

    You can execute this code countless ways. I am not privy to the requirements of your project so its hard for me to make a recommendation. You could hook this into the update/install functions, or you could build it into a page hook in a module, or you could just bootstrap any new php file in the root directory with this:

    require_once DRUPAL_ROOT . '/includes/';