I want to customise the "via @sharethis" part of the sharethis Twitter share button.
Everything I can find (http://blog.sharethis.com/2012/04/30/via-sharethis-is-here-2/ for example) says to add st_via="TwitterUsername"
to the ShareThis span <span class="st_twitter" st_via="TwitterUsername">…
however, I am dynamically adding the buttons so am unable to do this.
Here is how I create the buttons:
var defaults = {
"service": "twitter",
"element": …,
… etc,
How can I customise or remove the "via @ShareThis" part of the resulting twitter share button?
Boss, just add the st_via="[@theathere]" attribute to the span
<span id='twitter' class='twitter' st_via='[@theathere]'></span>
<script type='text/javascript'>
var defaults = {
"service": "twitter",
"element": …,
… etc,
it will automatically add the st_via='' try it.