I've been following the example code shown here.
Here I'm simply trying to return a layout manager view.
define(['jquery', 'underscore', 'backbone', 'layoutmanager'],
function($, _, Backbone, Layout){
'use strict';
return Backbone.Layout.extend({
template: '#main-layout'
Here, I'm instantiating a new view called myView. It's being loaded using requirejs.
require(['app', 'jquery', 'myView'], function (app, $, myView) {
'use strict';
var myView = new myView();
Rendering the view causes the following error to pop up in the console:
Uncaught TypeError: Cannot read property 'parent' of undefined
Instead of myView.$el.appendTo(".container");
you should insert the view into a parent view:
var myView = new myView();
var container = Layout.getView('.container');