I have a stored procedure that accepts a table-valued parameter.
I am passing a Datatable from my C# DAL. Are TVPs guaranteed to retain the order of rows when invoking the stored proc. My guess is that it should be (in which case this is a dumb question to ask). But I just want to be dead-sure about it.
Order should be preserved.
From MSDN:
Table-valued parameters offer more flexibility and in some cases better performance than temporary tables or other ways to pass a list of parameters. Table-valued parameters offer the following benefits:
- Do not acquire locks for the initial population of data from a client.
- Provide a simple programming model.
- Enable you to include complex business logic in a single routine.
- Reduce round trips to the server.
- Can have a table structure of different cardinality.
- Are strongly typed.
- Enable the client to specify sort order and unique keys.